Staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) is a common native plant in the region which is found on SRLT preserves. It provides important nourishment for a variety of birds and small mammals throughout the winter. The red berries that grow in horn-like clusters are a nutritious food at a time of year when other food is scarce. Birds may also feed on insects that hide within the clusters of berries. Species we have spotted feeding on sumac include Hairy Woodpecker, Chickadee, Blue Jay, Eastern Bluebird, Evening Grosbeak, American Robin, Pileated Woodpecker, Hermit Thrush, and White-throated Sparrow. And it’s not just for the birds! Sumac berries make a beneficial tea to warm us during the coldest days of the year. You can learn how to make the tea at https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/making_sumac_tea.

Thank you to our volunteer crews for helping to plant trees and shrubs at the Rines Preserve and clear trails at the Moulton's Mill Preserve (above). We will focus our upcoming workday on trail cleanup and removing invasive plants at Moulton's Mill. Hopefully you can join us in the future - it’s hard work but fun and always good to be outdoors! Learn more about volunteering.
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​​​​​Saturday, February 22
Night Sky and Owl Walk
Richardson Memorial Preserve
Maine Master Naturalist Val Watson will lead us on a night walk to listen for nesting owls, learn about animal adaptations, and share stories about the stars and constellations in the skies above. RAINDATE: March 1
Thank you to all the volunteers who joined us for the Christmas Bird Counts in Unity and Hartland! You can view updates here.
Volunteer Work Days are typically held on the Last Sunday of
the Month
(locations vary) with the exception of holiday weekends.
Rines Wetlands & Wildlife Preserve
All of our programs are open to the public.
Stay tuned for a list of 2025 speaker series programs, field trips and other events or contact info@sebasticookrlt.org or 948-3766 for more information.